Bob Literman
Rachel Schwartz
Please note that instructors will do their best to respond promptly between 9-5 on weekdays.
Office Hours: No official office hours
Please feel free to email anytime to set up an appointment.
Class Days / Time: Wednesdays, 11-11:50am Coastal Institute Bldg 117A
Prerequisites: BIO102 or permission of instructor
Recommended texts: None
All supplemental materials will be distributed online.
Other equipment / material requirements: Note-taking tools
Laptops and phones are permitted
250-word responses to each speaker (See Write-Up Description)
Grades: S/U scale
5 satisfactory assignments earns a ‘Satisfactory’ grade
Special note:
If you, or anyone you know, is at risk of going hungry please visit the Rhody Outpost, a food pantry operated by URI. Rhody Outpost is open twice per month at St. Augustine Church at 15 Lower College Rd. For open hours see . Rhody Outpost protects the privacy of all visitors. Students may also visit the Jonnycake Center in Peace Dale.